About The Lab

In the Quantum Photonics Lab, we develop nanophotonic and optoelectronic technologies for a wide range of applications – from optical quantum computing to communications, networking, and sensing. Our efforts are focused on addressing important challenges in these areas through the design, fabrication, and testing of heterogeneous integrated quantum photonic devices, the exploration of new quantum materials and systems, and the development of ultra-sensitive measurement techniques for benchmarking device performance spanning visible to telecommunication wavelengths, cryogenic to ambient temperatures, and DC to RF frequencies. Specific areas of interest are quantum photonic integrated circuits based on AlGaAs, silicon nitride, lithium niobate, and silicon, hybrid electro-optomechanical quantum systems, and nanophotonics with engineered quantum emitters.

QPL News

New results from the QPL: An array of AlGaAsOI microresonators enables high-rate time- and frequency-bin entanglement, highlighted in PRX Quantum's International Year of Quantum special collection. Congrats to Yiming for leading this work!

Congrats to Josh and collaborators Nexus Photonics and David Weld on a new paper on III-V-on-SiN 765-790 nm integrated lasers with mode-hop-free tuning!

Sean, Nick, and Sahil are representing QPL with exciting results on new oxygen-related color centers in hBN, a heterogeneous photonics platform for Purcell enhancement of color centers, and chromium defects in gallium oxide.

Congrats to Sean, Sahil, Yiming, Nick, and collaborators in the Schow and Sipe groups for their abstracts being accepted to CLEO 2025!

Liao's paper on examining integrated photonic approaches to visible-telecom entanglement is now published in ACS Photonics. Congrats to her and the team!

Congrats to Paolo on his paper published in Nature Photonics on photonic in-memory computing! The project was led by Paolo and collaborators Nathan Youngblood (UPitt) and Yuya Shoji (Tokyo Institute of Science).

We're excited to work with Caltech, Nexus Photonics, UVA, and MIT-LIGO to create squeezed-light PICs!

Congrats to Lilli and the team for their excellent results published in APL on wafer-scale production of InGaP-on-insulator photonics!

Congrats to Trevor, Josh, and Max for their work on entanglement distribution and QKD with our AlGaAs resonators!

Congrats to Paolo Pintus for leading this highlight on "Cryogenic Optical Data Link for Superconducting Circuits"

Congrats to Yiming on receiving the Hilbert Memorial Travel Grant and Liao for being selected to present a flash talk on her top-ranked poster!

We're excited to partner with Xanadu to enhance our quantum photonics learning lab by providing student access to cloud-based quantum computing hardware!

We're excited to work on this new NSF-funded project on quantum sensing with Prof. Caroline Ross at MIT!

An excellent set of projects on photonic integration and engineering of 2D material quantum emitters. Congrats Kamyar!

Congrats to Jens-Uwe Kuhn (SBCC) and Demis John (UCSB) for leading this effort!

Our review on integrated quantum photonics with AlGaAs is now published in Optica (in collaboration with Sara Ducci and Florent Baboux)!

Wonderful work on "Integrated Quantum Photonics with III-V Semiconductors". Congrats Trevor!

Congrats to Josh and co-authors for the great work and well-deserved recognition!

Congrats to Quynh (now at UCI) for her achievement and the opportunity to visit with Nobel Laureates in Germany!

Congrats to Sahil, Michael, Kamyar, Nick, Sammy, Landon, and Daniella for the great work!

QPL students Lilli, Nick, Josh, and Trevor will be attending and presenting at the ISS:IQP this summer, congrats!

Michael presented his exciting results on hybrid integration of superconductors and semiconductors with SAW resonators for quantum interconnects. Great job!

QPL is looking forward to developing new graduate student training opportunities in quantum science. Congrats to lead PI David Weld!

Congrats to Hae and Nick for receiving awards!!!

Optica's Optics & Photonics News cover article on UCSB/Thorlabs Crystalline Solutions R&D

Congrats to Kamyar for receiving a fellowship to work with LANL on his 2D material single-quantum emitter project!

Congrats to Kamyar and Shaimaa for their research published at Nature Communications and a Featured Perspective article published in APL!

Congrats! See SPIE's 2022 Women in Optics Planner and the MIT Rising Stars to learn more about her research accomplishments and great advice to young researchers.

AVS Quantum Science published our review on chip-scale nonlinear quantum photonics, also featured by AIP.

Congrats to the team for their great work, especially Josh, Trevor, and Lilli for leading this project!

research support
research support