Versatile Chip-Scale Platform for High-Rate Entanglement

New results from the QPL: An array of AlGaAsOI microresonators enables high-rate time- and frequency-bin entanglement, highlighted in PRX Quantum's International Year of Quantum special collection. Congrats to Yiming for leading this work!

March 3, 2025

Integrated photonic microresonators have become an essential resource for generating photonic qubits for quantum information processing, entanglement distribution and networking, and quantum communications. The pair-generation rate is enhanced by reducing the microresonator radius, but this comes at the cost of increasing the frequency-mode spacing and reducing the quantum information spectral density. Here, we circumvent this rate-density trade-off in an Al⁢Ga⁢As-on-insulator photonic device by multiplexing an array of 20 small-radius microresonators, each producing a 650-GHz-spaced comb of time-energy entangled-photon pairs. The resonators can be independently tuned via integrated thermo-optic heaters, enabling control of the mode spacing from degeneracy up to a full free spectral range. We demonstrate simultaneous pumping of five resonators with up to 50-GHz relative comb offsets, where each resonator produces pairs exhibiting time-energy entanglement visibilities up to 95%, coincidence-to-accidental ratios exceeding 5000, and an on-chip pair rate up to 2.6 G⁡Hz/mW2 per comb line—an improvement over prior work by more than a factor of 40. As a demonstration, we generate frequency-bin qubits in a maximally entangled two-qubit Bell state with fidelity exceeding 87% (90% with background correction) and detected frequency-bin entanglement rates up to 7 kHz (an approximately 70 MHz on-chip pair rate) using a pump power of approximately 250 μ⁢W. Multiplexing small-radius microresonators combines the key capabilities required for programmable and dense photonic qubit encoding while retaining high pair-generation rates, heralded single-photon purity, and entanglement fidelity.