Josh's work is selected for the Optica Quantum 2.0 student competition!

Congrats to Josh and co-authors for the great work and well-deserved recognition!

June 29, 2024

Student Paper Competition

The papers submitted to the competition were reviewed during the standard Technical Program Committee (TPC) review process, and five finalists were selected. After the papers are presented at the meeting, the Program Committee members will select competition winners  based on content quality, value to the technical community of interest and presentation skills.


Tatsuki Sonoyama, The University of Tokyo, Japan
QM2A.3 — Multi-photon Fock State Generation Using a Single-pixel Ultrafast Photon-number-resolving Detector

Beatrice Polacchi, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
QW4A.9 — Multi-client Blind Quantum Computing Over a Qline Architecture

Yan-Cheng Wei, Harvard University, USA
QW2B.7 — A Long-distance Two-Node Quantum Network with Silicon Vacancies in Diamond Nanocavities

Meritxell Cabrejo, Fraunhofer IOF, Germany
QTh2B.3 — Multiplexed Quantum Secret Sharing via Subspace Encoding

Joshua Erasmo Castro, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
QTh2C.1 — Development of Mode-Hop Free Tunable Chip-Scale Laser at 780 nm for Nonlinear Quantum Photonics and Atomic Sensing