QPL @ the 2020 FiO+LS Conference

Congrats to Trevor, Kamyar, and Quynh for having their abstracts accepted for talks at this year's FiO+LS/Quantum 2.0 Conference!

September 10, 2020

QPL students will be presenting some exciting results at the 2020 FiO+LS conference:

Quynh Dang, Ultrabright Entangled-Photon Pair Generation from III-V Microresonators, Undergraduate Research Symposium (Monday, September 14, 3:45-5:05PM EST, Session LM5)

Trevor Steiner, Nonlinear Quantum Light Generation, 20x20 Special Session, (Wednesday, September 16, 6:30-7:30PM EST)

Kamyar Parto, Irradiation of Nanostrained Monolayer WSe2 for Site-Controlled Single-Photon Emission up to 150K (Wednesday, September 16, 8-10AM EST, Session FW1C)